Posts by Collection



Energy Efficient Operation Optimization of Building Air-conditioners via Simulator-assisted Asynchronous Reinforcement Learning

Published in IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, 2022

Developed an energy efficient operation strategy for VRF system during the cooling season for a case office and achieved energy savings of up to 16.1% as well as improved thermal comfort compared to a rule-based control strategy.

Recommended citation: Wenhao Zhang and Zhiang Zhang 2022 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1048 012006.

Reinforcement Learning in Building Controls: a Comparative Study of Algorithms considering Model Availability and Policy Representation

Published in Journal of Building Engineering, 2024

Model-free and model-based reinforcement learning algorithms were implemented; Reinforcement learning of value-based, policy gradient and actor-critic are discussed.

Recommended citation: Z. Wu, W. Zhang, R. Tang, H. Wang, I. Korolija, Reinforcement Learning in Building Controls: a Comparative Study of Algorithms considering Model Availability and Policy Representation, Journal of Building Engineering,




Student mentoring, National University of Singapore, Department of The Built Environment, 2024

(Chronologically ordered) Name, University, Degree, Year, Project Title