
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

Reinforcement Learning in Building Controls: a Comparative Study of Algorithms considering Model Availability and Policy Representation

Published in Journal of Building Engineering, 2024

Model-free and model-based reinforcement learning algorithms were implemented; Reinforcement learning of value-based, policy gradient and actor-critic are discussed.

Recommended citation: Z. Wu, W. Zhang, R. Tang, H. Wang, I. Korolija, Reinforcement Learning in Building Controls: a Comparative Study of Algorithms considering Model Availability and Policy Representation, Journal of Building Engineering,

Energy Efficient Operation Optimization of Building Air-conditioners via Simulator-assisted Asynchronous Reinforcement Learning

Published in IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, 2022

Developed an energy efficient operation strategy for VRF system during the cooling season for a case office and achieved energy savings of up to 16.1% as well as improved thermal comfort compared to a rule-based control strategy.

Recommended citation: Wenhao Zhang and Zhiang Zhang 2022 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1048 012006.